Guinness World Records: Stratford, Ont. cinema named world's

Guinness World Records: Stratford, Ont. cinema named world's

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A 13-seat movie theatre in Canada has been named the world's smallest purpose built cinema

Tiny Stratford cinema earns big Guinness World Records title

Did you know that the world's smallest movie theatre is located in Stratford Ontario? The Little Prince Cine-Lounge is named Guinness

The world's smallest movie theatre can be found in Stratford

Canadian movie theatre with 13 seats officially named world's smallest

The Little Prince Micro-Cinema (@thelittleprincecinema) • Instagram photos and videos

Canada's - roughly - 25 percent off sale

Central Pa. man breaks Guinness World Record by seeing 777 movies in theaters in one year

The smallest small businesses in the world

I relate to the couple whose 'world's largest potato' isn't a potato, it takes a lot to grow giant veg

Guinness World Records 2014

Gourd almighty! How big veg growers are smashing world records